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Welcome to Irene NSCのBlog ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Sunday, August 8, 2010Y
The types of classes that I detest

The places for student study are named classes. The quality of class may affect the student’s performance. What is the reason that will make student detest the class? The types of classes that I detest are classes with bad lecturers, classes with bad surrounding and classes with bad timing.

First at all, the classes with bad lecturers will make me detest the class. I am really detest that lecturer always show they bad attitude. For example, some lecturer always late enters the class. This lets me think that lecturer is not so respect to enter our class. Besides, some lecturer just simply cancels our class or change the time table. All of that will make us so annoyed, afraid and stress to classes. Some lecturer are very bored when they teaching in the class. They speak in fuzzy pronunciation. They also teach in very high speed. It will effect the student cannot catch up, understand and very confused. The most awful was the lecturer always attacks the personality of student. Whatever the student is correct or wrong, lecturer cannot just scold the student with the humiliated word. It will make the student so shame to attend class.

Moreover, classes with bad surrounding will make me detest the class. The classmates who are always noisy at class will affect another student cannot pay attention in class. Some classmates will also smelly, playful, rowdy and rebellious. Some facilities in class are really old and bad. For example, the chair and table is uncomfortable for student. Some light and air-con is already broken. When the air-con is not function, student will feel hot and no fresh air. It will make student feel sleepy and cannot concentration at study. Next, student cannot study at dirty classroom. We can see the chewing gums stuck on or under the table. It is how disgusting to me, I cannot sit with chewing gums,
when we are study.

Furthermore, classes with bad timing are also let me detest the class. Our time table is not so sequence for us. When the class is around 8.00a.m, I need to wake up earlier about 6.30a.m. If not, I will miss my class. Because I need to wake up earlier so I cannot have my breakfast and take a bath. When this situation happened, I cannot pay attention during the morning class. Continually, if the class is around afternoon, 2.00p.m, I will feel hungry and do not have enough energy to concentrate in class. It will also make me feel sleepy
during the class. Thus, when the class is around 6.00p.m, I will feel tired to study because I already study from morning until night. This is how bad timing for me. I cannot enjoy my study life. Because of this, I am so detest about the class with bad timing.

The final summary for above, I hope lecturer can be changes their attitude and teaching skill. Besides, I also expect our school authorities can renew the facilities in classes. Lastly, I hope I can adjust the time table in future, so that I can be more enjoy my study life.

ends at 12:14 PM

Saturday, July 31, 2010Y
How To Stay Awake In Class

      Staying awake in class is hard for everyone from time to time. We all have fallen asleep in class and then we will end missing all the notes and are pretty much screwed. What is the way to let the students stay awake in the classes? To stay awake in class we must pay attention to what we do before class, during class and after class.

      Before attended the class, we need a breakfast to let us have the energy to attend class. Beside that, we also need a balance diet to maintain our healthy life. We can accord the food pyramid to have a balance diet. If we do not have enough energy containing foods we will feel very tired. Moreover, we also can drink something that can make us fresh our brain. For example, coffee, red bull, energy booster, essence chicken and so on. We also can do some preparation before we attend the class. We may read or learn the chapter, so that when lecturer explains we can easy to understand and more clearly what the lecturer teach. Hence, we will become more awake and concentration so we will never dozing off. Using this way, we will never missing the entire note.

      During the class, to stay awake in class, we can choose the suitable seat. We can sit in front that lecturer can easy see you like under the lecturer’s nose. Using that, we can easily have the eye contact with the lecturer and we will never dare to sleep. After that, we can take short break to make us awake in class. If the lessen to too long, we cannot just sitting and no have any rest. It will let us easy fall in sleep. During the break, we can wash our face, chill out, listen to music and eat something. For eat something, we can have chocolate, candy snacks, chewing gum and sweet sour. All this can keep our mouth busy and alert during class. So, we can refresh our brain and pay more attention at the same time. In addition, we can do participate actively during the class. We can take the note that what the lecturer said; we also can answer question and asks lecturer several question. At the same time, we can make sure we will awake in class when we active listening and highlight the key words.

      Last but not least, after the class, we must have enough rest for tomorrow class. We must rest for minimum 8 hour, if not we will no energy to concentrate in class. When we have enough sleep then we will never awake during class. Next, we also can do some exercise, for instance jogging, swimming, playing any type of ball and so on. It relation to we can have good blood circulation. We will feel active and fresh, so that we would not feel sleepy during the class. Furthermore, we must reduce the negative activities after the class. For example, playing online game, clubbing, surfing the net and so on. These activities would not bring any advantage to us. It also will waste our resting time and energy. When we are not enough to sleep, we will feel sleepy at tomorrow class.

      Conclusion, as a student, we must awake in class to learn knowledge. These are the way to stay awake in class. Using these way, we can pay fully attention in class. So that,  we will never waste our time when during class.

ends at 8:33 AM

Friday, July 30, 2010Y
My life in MMU

      The time lost how fast time flies. The human is wants to learn as long as life. In order to obtain more knowledge, I choose go to university. I have dreamed for thousands of times that what life if I were in the university. Now I already was the university student. I believed that my life resembles the navigator; every day must face the dissimilar challenge. To adapt my university life, I must receive all the challenges in university. I need to work hard at difficult subject, adapt the new experience of university lifestyle and make friend in university.

     My university has a very beautiful campus; there are lots of new faces and some organizations which make up by students. Although everything is so wonderful, I still feel a little lonely at the beginning, and the study life is quite different from the high school. We only study four subjects that are English, Business Mathematics, Accounting and Principles of Economics. I thought what is extremely difficult is Accounting and Principles of Economics. I do not have any basic about it and it will so difficult to me. No matter this is how difficult for me, I just bought some reference book, concentrate in class, spend more time to study and discuss with friends. Using this, I believed that my studies will improve as soon as possible.

     In university, especially Multimedia University, I need to do everything with internet. I need pay expense by using internet, register my course, do my online assignment, online quiz, download the online note, search the ideas for my presentation and so on. This is new experience for me in university lifestyle. Moreover, when I step into MMU, there are so many building. Until now I still cannot know all the part of MMU. There are some things is new for me; we no need paying respects to lecturer when starting the class, I thought it is not politeness to them, we only study for 15hours a week, it is so awesome! And the homework will be discussed during the tutorial class. Before tutorial, I need to do a lot of question, especially the Business Mathematics. It is quite long and difficult to do. While the lecturer is teaching very fast, I need paid 100% of my attention and concentration.

     In addition, friends are the most important in university life. Without friends, we can’t do anything. Such as group assignment, presentation, group discussion and so on. This are all need the friends. When the first day attends class, I thought that is afraid. I do not have any friend. So I need to make a new friend in class. By during assignment and presentation, I have known the new friends. I discuss my homework with my friends, having a lunch with my friends and also share my feeling with my friends. They are some international students in my class; I make friend with them and know the culture of them. They are only international friends in my life. This is how wonderful and awesome time when I make friends with them.

     My life in university is like allegro. It is painstaking but worthwhile; bitter but sweet; tiring but exciting. I will regard my university’s life like music. In ebb tide time, I will buoy up myself; in high tide time, I will never stop my music. When face the challenge, I will enjoy adapting it. And I believe I will become more independent and stronger in the future in my life. 

ends at 12:20 AM

Thursday, July 29, 2010Y
NeW~~ JUst TeSTIng

July 30

i just start create my blog

ends at 6:10 PM